


Let Joe Peters Help You With Exactly What You Need.
Check Out The Various List Of Services We Offer To Sellers.

Fishbowl - NJ Home Seller


Receive an up-front consultation so that I can better understand your individual requirements for your real estate needs so that I can help you to achieve those goals and dreams.

Professional Photography

I always utilize professional photographers along with expert advice on staging for each photo. You will receive a virtual walk-through video and virtual floor plan as a result.

Stunning Brochures

Watch professional those stunning photos turn into quality-prepared selling brochures and web-based videos.

Complete Open-House

Receive a customized open house program to match your needs and be sure to make the right first impression. I then maintain interest with our proven follow-up system for all open-house and individual showing viewers and give timely feedback.

Ongoing Web Exposure

In addition to frequent, ongoing ads in my extensive blog and social media presence, your listing will be posted on, Zillow, Trulia, New York Times online, Wall Street Journal online,, and hundreds of other real estate sites. This maximizes your exposure in mediums that buyers are using to find listings in today’s online environment.

Local Postcards

Have professionally prepared local post cards sent to your neighbors letting them know your house is being listed.


I’m Joe Peters, a twenty-plus-year real estate agent with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage. I work with people that want to buy a home or sell a home in Hunterdon or Somerset County, NJ.

Six Simple Steps To Your Success


Find out what you can expect when you call Joseph “Joe” Peters of Coldwell Banker with your Buying needs.


During an initial meeting, I will discover your motivation and timetable for selling, as well as the finer points of your current home. And, I will offer feedback to preparing your home for sale. I will then use this information combine my knowledge of real estate, marketing, and local area with the specific needs of you and your family.


Now is the time I do my homework, discovering what similar homes have sold for in your specific area and in developing a marketing plan to help you sell your house for the maximum price in the least time. I will also help you explore options for after your home is sold and where you will re-locate to.


I start by having professional photos taken to show your house in the best possible way. Then, utilizing Coldwell Banker’s proven internet strategy, I help my Sellers to maximize their marketing exposure and benefits, including our online presence, traditional print and mailers to your neighbors to let them know your house has been listed and that we are having an open house!


After a complimentary cleaning service to make sure your home makes a great first impression, I will place a display ad in our local paper and guide you through the open house process so prospective buyers can see your home the best competitive way.


I will follow up on all visits to your home promptly in order to obtain as much feedback as possible.  Once an offer is made, I will continue to work with you to make sure you get the best price and both you and the buyer are 100% satisfied.


There have been many detailed steps along the way which will bring you to this point as quickly as possible.
But, my services do not end here. Once you have successfully sold and closed on your property and moved on to bigger and better things I maintain contact with to answer any questions you may have.


Joe Peters has compiled news, articles, guides and more to get your house sold!

Fishbowl Circle - NJ Home Seller

Home Selling Steps – How To Sell

When listing your property is important to select the right realtor. My years of relative experience coupled with local area knowledge and the power of the Coldwell Banker organization offer you a strong alternative. Here, you will find a comprehensive guide to the three steps of selling your home, as well as tips to get the most our of your selling experience.

How To Sell A Home Guide Featured Image

Selling For Top Dollar

Did you know? The best chance for selling your property is within the first seven weeks! Studies show that the longer a property stays on the market, the less financial return the seller will net.

There are 5 main factors to achieving your goal of getting top dollar for your property. Read about all of them here to get the best tips on preparing your home for a top-dollar sale!

Selling For Top Dollar Featured Image

Selling First Impressions

When selling your home there are no guarantees that a buyer will simply walk through the front door. In many cases you may have to bring your home to the buyer!

Certainly effective marketing will help ensure that your property receives maximum exposure to attract a ready, willing and able buyer. But the appearance and overall condition of your home contributes to a buyer’s crucial first impressions.

Selling First Impressions Featured Image - Home interior

Buy First or Sell First?

Did you know? The best chance for selling your property is within the first seven weeks! Studies show that the longer a property stays on the market, the less financial return the seller will net.

There are 5 main factors to achieving your goal of getting top dollar for your property. Click below to read all of them.

Buy First or Sell First Featured Image

FREE Sellers Guide PDF!

Selling your home quickly and efficiently is an art. Make your home attractive and sellable real estate with my free Home Sellers Guide. This guide is for residents who are looking to sell a home in Hunterdon County or Somerset County, New Jersey.

Seller FAQs

Should I Buy First Or Sell First?2020-10-14T10:56:27-04:00

While The Answer To This Basic Question Is As Individual As You Are, Here Are Some Things To Consider.

Generally speaking, under most market conditions, real estate professionals advise listing your present home and shopping for your new home simultaneously. Nonetheless, you should talk to me about your personal situation, so you can consider how fast you need to sell and how long you should expect it to take in current market conditions.

If you have very specific criteria – like location, size, views, age, etc. which could lead to a time-consuming home search – you should consider finding and buying a home first before you sell your existing home. If necessary, your offer to buy a home can be contingent on selling yours. On the other hand, if you sell first, you can make your sale dependent on finding a home to buy.

Seasonality can play a role in deciding when to sell – with spring and fall the most popular seasons to put a home on the market.

I can help you consider the effect of other factors like interest rates, consumer confidence, month’s supply and typical times to sell at your specific price range in the local economy.

What is an escape clause?2020-09-24T11:20:23-04:00

An escape clause, also known as a kickout or knockout clause, is a provision that allows the party to void the contract. For example, the seller may retain the right to look for a more favorable offer, with the original purchaser retaining the right, if challenged, either to firm up the first sales contract (such as by waiving a contingency) or to void the contract. As another example, sellers might insist upon an escape clause in a contract that hinges on the buyers’ selling their home.

You will want to be sure that your agent is familiar with these options and works in you general best interests.

What is meant by the term “contingency” in a sales contract?2020-09-24T11:21:48-04:00

Sales contracts typically contain several “contingency” clauses, or stipulations that the sale is subject to. For example, with a mortgage contingency, if the buyer is unable to obtain financing within the specified timeframe, neither the buyer nor the seller is required to complete the purchase. Among other common provisions in the “subject to” section are termite and other inspection issues and the purchaser’s need to sell a current home first.

This is where my experience and negotiating skills are important.

Why shouldn’t I price my house a little high, since I can always drop the price later?2020-09-24T11:19:27-04:00

That’s a strategy that sounds good – but, in fact, is more likely to result in a lower price. Here’s why: The first few weeks a house is on the market is when it will have the most activity. If a house is overpriced, it has to compete with houses at that higher price level, which are almost certainly larger or have newer/more luxurious features. So the overpriced home is unlikely to attract an offer. Worse yet, those first weeks are when real estate agents preview the house. If it’s overpriced, they may not even bother to show it to their buyers. Eventually, the seller will have to drop the price – and may end up with an even lower price because buyers will wonder why the house has been on the market so long and may factor that into their offer.

Setting the proper  initial price is critical to your success.  That is where my Right Pricing Strategy combined with years of local market experience becomes key.

Home Seller Articles

Oct07, 2024

Buyer Motivation Inman Graph

  According to the latest data, the top reason homebuyers are on the move is to upgrade to a bigger or nicer home. The great [...]


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