Somerset County

Jul 21, 2023

Real Estate Continues To Be the Best Investment [INFOGRAPHIC]

By |2023-07-21T09:58:35-04:00July 21, 2023|Buyers, First Time Home Buyers, Infographic, Sellers, Topic|

Some Highlights According to a recent Gallup poll, real estate has been voted the best long-term investment for 11 years in a row, beating gold, stocks, bonds, and more. Owning real estate means more than just having a home—it’s an investment in your future. That’s because it’s typically a stable and secure asset that [...]

May 05, 2023

Reasons To Sell Your House Today [INFOGRAPHIC]

By |2023-05-05T07:50:12-04:00May 5, 2023|Infographic, Sellers|

  Some Highlights Not sure if selling your house is the right move today? You should know there are a number of reasons it still makes sense to sell now. Your house will stand out because inventory is low. That’s why the number of offers on recently sold homes [...]

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